Will Supplements Help Women To Build Leaner, Toned Arms?

By Russ Hollywood

Learning how to tone your arms can be a scary prospect for any woman going to the gym. Not only do they have to conquer their fear that lifting weights might make them big and bulky, they also have to deal with people advising them on which supplements to take in order to speed up results.

Today you'll discover the answer to both questions!

When it comes to training your arms, the area most ladies are worried about is the rear. This muscle is called the triceps and many women have underdeveloped strength in this area, leading to excess flab. Understandably, this is not a look most women would like to keep.

Improving the appearance of this particular muscle is actually quite simple, it's just over complicated by needless myths surrounding women and weight training. Before you begin blasting the back of your arm, however, there is one key factor to take into consideration.

Your arm workout needs to be balanced. If you were a builder who loved bricks, you wouldn't neglect to use cement just because you loved bricks, right? So it makes absolutely no sense why most women purely want to train the muscle on the back of their arm and ignore those which surround it. It leaves them with very uneven, unbalanced arms.

Try combining exercises such as the shoulder press, the triceps kickback, the dumbbell curl, the lateral raise and the close-grip push-up. This hits everything from shoulder to forearm in one go and will leave you feeling the burn. []

If you want to really up the ante, try moving through it as one big circuit as opposed to individual exercises. Transition between movements while keeping your equipment in your hands at all times. This will place extra stress on the forearms while also making things more challenging.

The next part will focus on understanding which supplements work well to improve results. When it comes to this subject, most women are completely lost as they are misled by myths that they'll make you big and bulky.

The key word to remember with all products in this industry is 'supplement'. It's not there to replace a healthy diet, it's there to add an extra dimension to it. If you don't have your diet in order then you should do that before you even begin to consider any additional products.

Whey protein, creatine monohydrate and glutamine are three of the oldest products on the market, yet they remain the best choices when it comes to lean muscle gains and fat loss.

Not only will this allow you to ensure you are getting enough calories into your day, it will also ensure that they are good calories. Furthermore, the effects of items like creatine and glutamine will boost your explosive strength and recovery, meaning you can lift harder for longer. So there you have it. You now know the details on how to tone your arms as well as which supplements to take in order to maximize your gains.

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