The Fascinating History Of Central Jersey Gymnastics

By Adela Beasley

Central Jersey gymnastics is a sport with a long and fascinating history. Many people do not realize that the concept and skills of the gymnasium go back to the time of the ancient Greeks. The Greeks were a war like nation who were constantly battling each other. The men trained in large groups to stay fit and agile. This gave them an important edge over their enemies.

Finding a good gym takes a little time. There are quite a number to chose from and it is worth looking at several before making a final decision. Some gymnasts are very competitive and want to train with a facility that is very intense. Other are really just looking to have fun and get together with their friends a few times each week.

The girls compete on several pieces of equipment including the balance beam. The beam is only four inches wide and is just over four feet from the ground. It takes a lot of skill to learn to perform a routine on this piece of equipment. Not only strength but balance, flexibility and confidence are needed to be successful. Falls from the beam can be painful and result in injuries. Only those gymnasts who are really ready should attempt to work on the balance beam.

It is best to begin classes at a young age. Many children begin between the ages of five and seven. Some as young as two years old have begun to attend classes, although they must be careful not to engage in anything too stressful. Working with a very experienced coach is crucial. This will help to minimize the chance of an injury or fall.

Boys and young men also enjoy the challenges of gymnastics. They have a different range of competitive moves. They work on the pommel horse and rings. The rings require incredible strength, plus agility and confidence. It takes years of training to be ready for the big competitions. The pommel horse is another test of strength and stamina. It takes a highly skilled person to be able to execute a good routine and get a high score.

Girls work on the uneven bars, balance beams and vaults. These all require many years of training and skill. A good coach is very important in helping to keep the children motivated and learning. Many coaches have grown up in the gym themselves and are very happy to teach a new generation of gymnasts the ropes.

Modern gyms have a lot of equipment. The floor is very important and must be specially constructed with springs to give it a firm but flexible work area, with some bounce. This helps the gymnasts reach extra heights during their floor exercises. During competition they must perform a ninety second routine that includes tumbling, jumps, dance, turns and pivots. They are accompanied by music and must perform with a high degree of artistry.

Finding the right gym can take some time. Each one has its own unique feel. Some are smaller and cater to those just looking to have fun. Central Jersey gymnastics is a great sport that allows children of all ages and abilities the chance to learn new skills and stay in shape.

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