Back in the ages when the average human had to catch a fish and then worry about fighting away a saber-tooth tiger for his dinner, the medical complications that plague modern society were unheard of. Obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, indigestion, hemorrhoids, and other medical complications are a direct result of the poor diet of modern humans. If you want to eliminate fat and health concerns, choose the food that our forefathers did.
Today's processed foods are just about the worst things that a person can put into their body. Most are based off of sugary syrups, most notably corn syrups, that are practically impossible for your metabolism to digest. As a result, each time you drink a can of soda you pack on the syrup in the form of fat.
So many of the meal choices you see at a supermarket or a restaurant are packed with these processed foods that make your tummy swell and your waistline expand. Processed foods like cheese, for instance, are nearly pure fat to begin with, but with the preservatives they are jammed full of more artificial sugars.
What's in a name? The Paleo Diet is based on the food available in the Paleolithic era, a time when humans ranged far and wide in order to gather edible plants and hunt animals in order to get their next meal. These food options work to eliminate fat stored up in the body by creating better metabolic efficiency.
Before humans were able to grow wheat and corn and barley and rice, we relied on whatever food we could find in the forests and coasts and mountains that we travailed. Our ancestors had to hunt and gather for our food, going out each day in order to bring back a meal that their family unit could share. What was the result of hunting and gathering?
Do you love a T-bone steak seared to perfection? Since our ancestors could hunt and eat wild cattle, you can enjoy one as well. Do you like to nibble on trail mix? Dried fruits and nuts were just as available back then as they are now. Even some anachronisms like ice cream can be made on the Paleo diet, provided you use ingredients (like natural cocoa and vanilla beans) that would have been available in the time of wooly mammoths.
The results of modern, artificial foods speak for themselves. Only one in three Americans are not overweight, and only two in three are not obese. The solution is not maintaining an artificially low calorie count, but maintaining a calorie count low in artificial food. When your body can process and utilize every aspect of its meals, it creates no fat to be stored.
Do not think that the Paleo Diet is restrictive. Instead, think of it as a means of getting delicious meals without having to soak them in saturated fats. Make a chicken and apple salad, for instance, since it contains Paleo-appropriate ingredients, and enjoy the process by thinking about how your ancestors could have done it.
How can you lose weight on the Paleo Diet? Simply put, all you need to do is follow it. Most of the fat on a person's body comes from the hydrogenated oils and syrups of everyday meals. Cut those out, and watch your waistline fade away.
Eliminating the oils and sugars of modern diets goes a long way towards burning off fat. Once your body is no longer taking in these artificial ingredients, your metabolism no longer stores nutrition in fat cells but will burn it up as it goes. The increased rate of metabolism, in turn, requires your existing body fat to power homeostasis.
Your body burns fat when it needs energy. The Paleo diet provides quality energy in the form of lean proteins like chicken, but will cause your body to burn fat to complement a meal since it is no longer getting the cheap energy from breads or sugars.
The Paleo Diet can be for everyone, even vegetarians and vegans, since it offers choices that appeal to all tastes and preferences. If you have been frustrated by diets before, do not change how much you eat, change how much good food you eat.
Today's processed foods are just about the worst things that a person can put into their body. Most are based off of sugary syrups, most notably corn syrups, that are practically impossible for your metabolism to digest. As a result, each time you drink a can of soda you pack on the syrup in the form of fat.
So many of the meal choices you see at a supermarket or a restaurant are packed with these processed foods that make your tummy swell and your waistline expand. Processed foods like cheese, for instance, are nearly pure fat to begin with, but with the preservatives they are jammed full of more artificial sugars.
What's in a name? The Paleo Diet is based on the food available in the Paleolithic era, a time when humans ranged far and wide in order to gather edible plants and hunt animals in order to get their next meal. These food options work to eliminate fat stored up in the body by creating better metabolic efficiency.
Before humans were able to grow wheat and corn and barley and rice, we relied on whatever food we could find in the forests and coasts and mountains that we travailed. Our ancestors had to hunt and gather for our food, going out each day in order to bring back a meal that their family unit could share. What was the result of hunting and gathering?
Do you love a T-bone steak seared to perfection? Since our ancestors could hunt and eat wild cattle, you can enjoy one as well. Do you like to nibble on trail mix? Dried fruits and nuts were just as available back then as they are now. Even some anachronisms like ice cream can be made on the Paleo diet, provided you use ingredients (like natural cocoa and vanilla beans) that would have been available in the time of wooly mammoths.
The results of modern, artificial foods speak for themselves. Only one in three Americans are not overweight, and only two in three are not obese. The solution is not maintaining an artificially low calorie count, but maintaining a calorie count low in artificial food. When your body can process and utilize every aspect of its meals, it creates no fat to be stored.
Do not think that the Paleo Diet is restrictive. Instead, think of it as a means of getting delicious meals without having to soak them in saturated fats. Make a chicken and apple salad, for instance, since it contains Paleo-appropriate ingredients, and enjoy the process by thinking about how your ancestors could have done it.
How can you lose weight on the Paleo Diet? Simply put, all you need to do is follow it. Most of the fat on a person's body comes from the hydrogenated oils and syrups of everyday meals. Cut those out, and watch your waistline fade away.
Eliminating the oils and sugars of modern diets goes a long way towards burning off fat. Once your body is no longer taking in these artificial ingredients, your metabolism no longer stores nutrition in fat cells but will burn it up as it goes. The increased rate of metabolism, in turn, requires your existing body fat to power homeostasis.
Your body burns fat when it needs energy. The Paleo diet provides quality energy in the form of lean proteins like chicken, but will cause your body to burn fat to complement a meal since it is no longer getting the cheap energy from breads or sugars.
The Paleo Diet can be for everyone, even vegetarians and vegans, since it offers choices that appeal to all tastes and preferences. If you have been frustrated by diets before, do not change how much you eat, change how much good food you eat.
About the Author:
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