The Larger Picture Of Weight Loss

By Rey Vetangelo

Many people in our country today are worried about their weight. Most of these people feel that they are too big and that they need to lose weight.

While it may be beneficial for some of these individuals to lose weight, it is not beneficial for them to be worrying about it so much. Sometimes you can worry so much that it interferes with your daily life and routine.

In the same way, diet plans work the same way. One second everyone is drinking a slim fast on the way to work, the next they're talking about Atkinson's. When people commit to these plans, they see weight loss happen. The truth is that many of these exercise programs and diets actually work.

Another common inhibitor to weight loss is genetics. Genetics, contrary to some belief, does play a sizable factor in a person's ability to lose weight.

But if a person does have the genes that make weight loss harder it does not mean that all hope is lost. Striving diligently to lose weight can still promote a healthy and active lifestyle and losing just five percent of body fat can greatly aid the overall health of an individual.

Age also fights against a person's weight loss efforts. The older a person gets the slower their metabolism is able to burn off fat and process food.

People who worry frequently often focus on worst-case scenarios, which is not a good habit to get into. Focusing on worst-case scenarios will most likely cause you to have a negative outlook on life, which will most likely result in an unhappy life. Another belief that people may hold about worrying is that it is indeed negative. They want to get rid of it so badly but no matter how hard they try, it always just seems to stick around.

Some people who have this negative view of worrying worry that their worrying will take over their lives and they will lose all ability to control it. This is a very terrifying thought for a chronic worrier.

On the diet side, a balanced diet will provide two important things for you. One, the diet will give you the right number of nutrients to repair itself after exercise, energize it during exercise, and work at its best day-in and day-out. For another, it will provide you enough energy to exercise more comfortably. You fatigue slower and you find you can do more.

While these inhibitors to weight loss are among the most common for individuals who are striving without success to lose weight, there may still be those who are unable to lose weight due to other factors and who may wish to consider weight loss surgery. Weight loss surgery should be considered as a last measure, but for those who have tried unsuccessfully to lose weight and who need to lose weight to maintain a healthy lifestyle than weight loss surgery may be the right choice to consider.

About the Author:

If you are at least 30 pounds overweight, have a 30 BMI or higher, and one or more obesity related conditions, you should know that the LAP-BAND System at Jordan Valley Medical Center may be able to help you lose weight. This unobtrusive procedure helps you avoid weight-related health risks and enjoy a more active lifestyle.

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